Monday, April 27, 2009


No rain is not always a bad thing. I whent out the other day and it had not rained in a day or two and I did not expect to find a whole lot, but to my suprise I foud 4 heads simply by looking on the surface. I was only looking at rocks that caught my eye. Try it next time there is no rain for a few days.


There is a arrowhead show on may 15th 16th 17th. It is going to a big one. if you would like to go just let me know and i will give you all the details.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Do you have any heads? let me see them post a pic on my blog or leave me a comment. I love to hear your head hunting stories.


One of the most common mistake people make when they find a projectile point is that they call it a arrowhead, in most cases this is not true.“The simple reason is that the bow and arrow was a rather recent invention and came into general use by Native Americans only about 1,600 to 1,100 years ago. In contrast, consider that the first Americans may have arrived at least 13,000 years ago, and perhaps even earlier.” (peterson. M.A.S)


With all the rain we have had the rivers are on the rise. when they come back down it will be a head hunters dream. so get out and check the river banks.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Head Hunt

Myself and my brother in law found a spot that produced a total of 42 heads over a 4 week hunt.Now not all of them were whole or perfect but hey 42 right . here is a Little tip it was in a new construction site.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Rain

Well spring is hear and that means the rain is not to far behind. I have been hunting a lot, and let me tell you the hunting has been good to me. It is also that time of year when the farmers plow up the fields so get of the couch and hunt your self up some heads.